LPO Financing

A loan product designed for contractors and vendors of reputable organizations
to enable them to execute work and local purchase orders from their respective employers.

Loan Amount:

Up to 75% of the LPO value.

Loan term:

Maximum 120 days.


  •  Qualified and more than one year experience
  •  Has capacity to deliver the contract
  • Past track record of the supplier or vendor.
  • The LPO should not be more than 30 days from the date of issue.


Processing fee at 3% of the loan amount.

Interest Rate:

1.17% per month.


Cash cover, Land & buildings, and/or Motor vehicles; are acceptable collateral.

Forex Rates by July 26, 2024
USD: BUY 132.00 SELL 137.00GBP: BUY 167.50 SELL 17570EUR: BUY 140.85 SELL 149.00